Saturday, March 29, 2014

Don't create your own Self Fulfilling Prophecy

I edited this image with the "no" symbol.

I have a friend on Facebook that nearly everything she posts or shares, is like I am looking in a mirror. We seem to see eye to eye on nearly everything. However this morning she posted this image that I edited with the big no symbol because I disagree with it wholeheartedly. I'm not angry with her or anything, she has a right to believe whatever she believes and perhaps she has some extremely negative experiences with this particular subject.

With that said, here are my thoughts on the subject. My husband tells me he loves me everyday. If I asked myself for how long every time he said it I would not be as happy as I am now. I would be more worried about the day he stops loving me rather than enjoying the fact he does love me today. Sometimes shit happens, but we can't dwell on the "what ifs". When it comes to some things you just have to live for today and enjoy it for what it is now, or you will never find true happiness.

I can't even imagine how my life would be if I doubted my husband's love. I joke with him a lot, but I know he loves me with every fiber of his being. If I lived each day wondering how long his love will last, I would be miserable and this would show in my actions and they way I receive his love.

I think the words in the image are a prime example of how self fulfilling prophecy works. if you doubt the love and tell yourself everyday that it won't last you will eventually make the person go away because of your own insecurities and inability to accept it for what it is. We do in fact create our own reality. ~Tess~

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Coincidence or Magic?

I had a conversation a while back with someone questioning the term magic. They said, "Witches, light workers, Reiki practitioners, all that, claim magic and spell work. Sounds like a bunch of crap to me. There is no such thing as real magic, only illusion."

I thought on this awhile and my response was, "Energy, the world is full of it, from the tree outside the window, to the stone laying beneath it, to the power-plant up-state, everything is comprised of energy. A man manipulates it and creates a form of destruction such as the atom bomb and it is called science. Another man manipulates it and creates a powerful tool to see within our bodies such as the x-ray and it is called science of medicine. Another man manipulates it and creates change in his life or another persons by making them feel better or getting the house loan they applied for and it's called luck or coincidence. When coincidence becomes habitual it is no longer coincidence.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Spell-Casting vs Prayer

Someone stated once, "casting spells is evil!" I said really? Let me run a few things by you.

When you want or need something you go to your spiritual place, usually a church and light a candle, you kneel, clasp your hands together and ask for something; either change in your life, for someone you love to over come an illness (and you may even place their picture at the prayer altar or podium or whatever you call it, or may just ask for guidance and then you draw the cross across your chest. She said "Yes, basically."

Ok, I go to my spiritual place, be it outside or to a place I created in my home, I light candles and some incense, I may kneel or stand, I raise my hands upward, I ask for change in my life, or for a love one to be healed, I too will place a picture on the altar in such cases, and sometimes I may just feel lost and ask for guidance, I then draw my spiritual symbol in the air.

Tell me my friend, how is my spell-work much different than your prayer? She could not give me a valid answer.

Regardless of your spiritual path, whenever you desire change and you do something be it pagan ritual, spell-casting, or Christian prayer, you are setting energies into motion to achieve the change you desire. ~Tess~