We can never expect to have total equality in this nation when actions are always blamed on racial, religious, or sexual motivation.
I am am upset with the GZ verdict just as much as other people are BUT, what I am even more upset with is the race card being thrown out like it is. I don't think this was about race and am pretty fed up with it being turned into a racial issue. We are are fighting for equality in this country for every single person and every time something like this gets turned into a racial issue it sets us back a decade or more. How can we as a nation get past the race debate, if every time a person of color dies or a person of color kills a person not of color "it was racially motivated." The fact that another human used deadly force against an unarmed youth and allowed to walk away is the travesty here, not the fact the youth was black and the shooter was not.
Trayvon Martin could not speak for himself. Everyone involved and everyone following the story could only listen to his shooters words and speculate what went through young Mr. Martin's mind at the time of the attack.
Here is my view and my take on it.
If I am walking down the road and I notice a truck following me for several blocks, I am going to be very nervous, and go into defense mode. If the driver of that truck pulls over, gets out and approaches me I am going to be very on edge and very defensive. If I see the person approaching me is carrying a gun I am not going to wait very long to defend myself. Zimmerman was told by 911 NOT to approach the suspect, he did so anyway, which in my opinion shows a desire for confrontation. That leaves the question, who was defending themselves first.. Trayvon or Zimmerman. I can only go on assumption here since one of the parties is dead. My assumption is that Trayvon feared for his safety and acted in the only way he could with only a bag of skittles in his pocket and no other other weapon. He used his fists when someone he saw as a threat tried to apprehend him and got the upper hand in the situation. Zimmerman then shot him.
I think Zimmerman was a bully with a gun not a racist. The courts made him out to be the victim. The only victim in this situation is a young man who lost his life too soon and the family who will never see him reach adulthood.
That's all I have to say on it. I hope all this racism crap comes to an end soon. Until then I will be playing video games and watching non-news television.
Peace and Love to you all,