Saturday, August 6, 2011

Making the swtich.

    I had an older blog that I don't really update or write in anymore, so decided that with my switch from Hotmail/live I would also create a new blog page and promised myself I will write to it at least once a week. I can tell you that my blogs will be very random and sometimes they will be about the challenges I face as a mother, soon to be wife, pet owner and just downright everyday average individual. Who knows what will go  here, hell I don't even really know, so it will be just as interesting for me to see how this blog transforms as it will be for my followers.

    I welcome all comments and followers, I just ask that you be respectful in the way that you comment. I don't mind  "potty mouths," as long as it isn't directed towards an individual. In other words no flaming and bashing me, my followers, or anyone who comments.

Momma Tess

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