Wednesday, August 17, 2011

My Windows

My windows are clouded,
My windows are stained,
My windows are shrouded,
My windows are chained.
I peer out my windows, but can not see.
My windows are withholding that view from me.

I wipe and I swipe and try to clear my view,
My windows keep me from peering at you.
I sit and I ponder the dilemma at hand,
Why won't my windows let me see on demand.
I hear a small voice that says, "Back up a pace".
There was the answer staring me in the face.
Eyes are the windows to the soul, they be.
You must step away to truly see.

My eyes are not clouded,
My eyes are not stained,
My eyes are not shrouded,
My eyes are not chained.

I took a step back and could clearly see The only thing blocking my sight was me.

My Windows- Tess © June 2005